Monday, 8 February 2016

What is the deal with Stigma???

noun (plural stigmas or especially in sense 2 stigmata /-mətə, -ˈmɑːtə/) 
Mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person: the stigma of mental disorder or debt etc.

Just a few facts for you to have a look over before I jump onto my bandwagon.

  • Stigma can cause mental illness and emotional trauma and often will lead to suicidal thoughts. 6,000 people commit suicide every year and the figure is rising. Currently, that's one person every two hours, every day.
  • 1 in 4 people suffer Mental illness in the UK. Depression is more common than the common cold. 
  • A greater number of British troops have been lost to suicide than have been lost in battle. Suicide often occurs because no practical help is available and no other viable option can be envisaged.
  •  Women are more likely to be treated for mental health problems although British men are three times as likely to die by suicide than British women.
  • Only 1 in 10 prisoners has no mental disorder.

Which fact baffles you the most?

There are many more stats about mental illness which are just as surprising. So why cant we talk about it to our peers? Is it because you cant see it? Or is it because you have a big house, big car, good job how can you have a reason to be depressed.

The chances are there is someone in you circle of friends or family that is suffering from mental illness. The one thing for them is to talk about it but find it hard because of the stigma or male pride. 

I still get dark days and most of the time haven't got a clue why and its nice to just say to a mate or wife or anybody really I'm having a shit one. I'm not asking for sympathy because the pat on back or cuddle will prob not help as will still feel shit after but knowing them there helps and just a random chat about sport or something completely off topic.

We need to kick this stigma into touch and talk about it. Too many people are dieing from suicide because they feel alone or helpless and a lot of it is due to society and why it is frowned upon because your "not wired up right." 

Lets get amongst it and talk about it. Im taking part in a 10 mile walk around the streets of London on the 14th May for a charity called Clasp. Get yourself down there and spread the word its good to talk.

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